Parents opt to buy real estate for university-bound kids

June 4, 2013

Parents opt to buy real estate for university-bound kids

June 4, 2013

Here at Team Troy, we have noticed an increase in requests for condominiums near Seattle’s colleges. As it turns out, savvy parents are opting to purchase homes for their kids headed to college instead of paying outrageous rents for four years. This option allows parents to not only house their own child while they are away at

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May 30, 2013

Younger Buyers Top 5 Priorities For A New Home

May 30, 2013

The demographic of your average homebuyer is starting to shift. Thirty or forty years ago, your typical first-time homebuyer was a newly married couple or a young family. Today, SINKs and DINKs (Single Income, No Kids) and (Dual Income, No Kids) rule the market, which includes all different types of people: single men and women,

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May 21, 2013

Weekly Mortgage Rates

May 21, 2013

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve reported record low housing inventory for the greater Seattle area, which has driven the price of homes up and resulted in a pretty solid seller’s market. We are getting reports now from our mortgage experts that rates are on the rise, which will most likely pour more buyers

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