February 9, 2022

When Is The Optimum Time To Sell Your Home?

Many people believe that spring and summer is the most advantageous time to list your home for sale, regardless of market conditions.  And while yes, those seasons offer great rewards, in part due to great lighting and brighter days, enhancing the opportunity for amazing photos, as well as gardens starting to bloom, which can add to the enticement of a property, there are other factors to consider.  The biggest being the supply of available homes. The warmer months usually sees and influx of properties coming to market, which can lend itself to great opportunities for buyers, but potentially dilutes the pool for sellers as competition increases.  So, what is our recommendation?  Well with over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry, Troy has seen many cycles, and his advice is to consider selling in the Winter, that interlude between the holidays and the start of spring; when the gap between demand and availability is usually higher and could lead to more activity at your property. To discuss this in more detail, or to get an in-depth consultation with Troy on your home’s value, the services we offer and how we can assist you, please contact us at 206 504 3660.