September 1, 2016

Transitional Housing Assistance Program Grants for Victimized Women

Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking i.e. women now can get adequate relief through the Government’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVM) having twofold motive: to curtail violence against women and execute justice for and invigorate services to these victimized women.

OVM accomplishes this intention through developing and assisting the capacity and capability of tribal, local, state and non-profit organizations concerned in addressing violence against women.

To attain this objective, OVM initiated Transitional Housing Assistance Program Grant for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault Program also known as Transitional Housing Assistance Program.

This program is based on holistic and victim-centered approach aiming at providing transitional housing services to help victims have their permanent housing.

Transitional Housing Assistance Program has grants at its anvil that assist programs delineated with the purpose to sustain victims of abuses as said above and requiring transitional housing, short-term housing assistance and other associated support services to flee the situation of assault and also for whom crisis intervention services or emergency shelter services are inadequate or unapproachable.

It is crucial that efficacious transitional housing programs have the provision of comprehensive flexible and optional services that enable victims to choose best possible course of action addressing their needs.

The grants are used for those programs, which provide transitional housing not withstanding also the funds for expenses involved in for existing transitional or newly developed housing.

Grants involved for short-term housing assistance includes rental payments, utilities payment and assistance for other expenses such as security deposits and also costs related in relocating to transitional housing.

Grant programs include individualized services such as support groups, counseling, safety planning, practical services like employment services, licensed childcare, telephones, transportation vouchers as well as advocacy services and making references to other agencies to enable victims flee violence for locating and securing permanent housing.

Transitional Housing Assistance Program grants may be accorded to States, Indian Tribes, government units, and other organizations.

In the program also includes grants for non-profit organizations providing services for the abused and victimized women.

Besides grants also target at the culturally specific and community-based organizations having a proven record of their compelling efforts and energetic work pertaining to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

If any woman is a victim of any abuse or any kind of violence and need above mentioned services can contact Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) 800 K Street, N.W., Suite 920 in Washington or through telephone at 202-307-6026.

John Goldman is one of the foremost advisors in matters relating to Government Grants and Financial Aid. To learn more about government grants and how to apply for them visit the Government Grant USA website