August 29, 2016

Low Income Housing Programs and What They Mean

Low income housing is something that is worked out from a simple and easy to understand equation. With low income housing programs the amount of the rent should not exceed more than thirty percent of the monthly combined income for the entire family.

This is in an effort to ensure that the family can also afford the many other things that go into caring for the family such as utilities, food, automobiles and insurance along with clothing and raising children. All of these things can be quite expensive and the availability of low income housing programs is what helps many families stay afloat in these hard economical times where high paying jobs are not available.

While the idea as a whole can sound extremely enticing and wonderful just like with everything else there are also some downsides. One of the largest issues that people face with is finding low income rental houses that are in their desired neighborhood or city. The possibility of finding a low income rental home is based on several factors from the availability of the homes to the housing market that is within the area.

It is easier to find a rental home in a less desirable area but that also makes it harder for people to be in an area that is safe, offers good schools and is closer to their jobs.

There are also low income housing programs available for seniors. These programs are very similar to those that are geared toward low income families. You will find that while many low income family housing is available as rental homes much of the low income senior housing is available in the form of apartments rather than low income senior houses. This happens for many reasons from the availability of space to the fact that it is considered easier for a senior to live in an apartment that does not come with all of the home maintenance that a standalone home does.

There are several programs for low income families and seniors that are available to the public although many of them are geared toward those who are low or very low income. In order to be considered low income and qualify for a low income housing program the combined total income of all adults within the family is less than 80% of the surrounding areas median income level.

There are also many other factors that go into qualifying for low income housing such as disabilities, the amount of people in your family compared to the amount of income they have and much more. For a detailed list of qualifications you should check with your local low income housing department since rules, regulations and qualifying requirements will vary.

Low income housing is a very important concept and program because everyone deserves to have a home that they can live in and afford within their income. It is much easier to be able to pay a rent that you can afford instead of being placed in a position that will end badly because your family really could not afford it in the first place.

Bernice Eker is an expert on low income housing and wants to help people by sharing her expertise.

For more information on low income housing visit: