January 24, 2013

First-Time Homebuyer Class TONIGHT

Team Troy’s Justin Mitchell will be co-teaching a class TONIGHT at the Chase Bank in Ballard: 511 22nd Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98107 at 5:30 PM.

The course will answer four main questions:

1. Am I ready to buy?: The first step in buying a home is making sure you understand the lifestyle changes and financial responsibilities that come with owning a home.

2. What do I need to know before I apply for a loan? Feel confident that you’re making the right choice. 

3. How do I go about finding the perfect home and making an offer? Know what you want in your future home and how to find it. 

4. What do I do after my offer is accepted? Make sure the final stretch goes smoothly so you get your new home with minimal stress.

This course is incredibly helpful for those of you that may be considering buying a home in the near future. You will get an idea of what monthly payments you can afford, information about down payments, loan types, and credit scores, as well as the steps in the home buying process. 


Buying a Home in Seattle