March 21, 2023

Exciting News


TLC, Tend Life Community

TLC, Tend Life Community

Hi there, wine lovers, foodies, and adventure seekers! We are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new podcast TLC, Tend Life Community.

Our podcast aims to introduce you to the local area wineries, restaurants, businesses, and real estate news in and around Woodinville, Bothell, and beyond. Whether you’re a local or a visitor to the are, our podcast is a guide to all our area has to offer.

We understand that keeping up with the latest events and news can be challenging but with our podcast, you can stay updated with the local events, news, and trends in our community. We will also be featuring interviews with local experts, giving you insider tips and tricks on the best places to eat, drink and explore.

Our podcast Is not just for locals, but also for people considering moving to our corner the of the state. If you’re planning to relocate or just visiting, TLC is a great way to learn about the wonderful things our community has to offer. From wine tasting to outdoor adventures, there is something for everyone.

You can find TLC on our website and podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts. Grab a glass of wine or your favorite beverage and tune in to TLC to tend to your life and community.

We encourage you to share our podcast with friends and family and subscribe to our show. We love to hear feedback, suggestions, and ideas for future episodes, so connect with us and let us know what you want to be covered. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you on the next episode of TLC.

Click the image below to check out TLC, Tend Life Community