July 30, 2016

Benefits Of Living In Student Housing

With the increasing number of young adults enrolling in colleges, most universities throughout the country have decided to offer student housing either on campus and or close to it. There are many benefits of living in student housing, especially your first year attending at the college. There are also many social and academic benefits of these living situations.

-Students that live right on campus in student housing, have higher graduations rates than their fellow classmates that reside off campus or at home. A number of factors could be the cause of this trend; one of the main factors is that there is no alcohol allowed on campus in student housing. With no alcohol permitted, partying is not as convenient as it could be living with friends off campus.

-Students that live in the on campus student housing tend to have more involvement with campus activities, such as clubs and committees. Any time that you take part in any extracurricular activity you are making your college experience more enjoyable and building your resume. With being right on campus the students are more willing to try new things. Students may not be as aware of the campus activities if not living close to or on campus.

-Safety on campus will always surpass any that you could get in an off campus apartment. Universities have campus police that patrol around the student housing units on every campus.

-Living on campus also allows you to save money. If you are on campus in student housing you will not need to drive to class. With gas prices on the raise, leaving in student housing could be one of the top money saving options.

-Student housing is also very close to the university library, book store, campus store, health centers, gym and dinning hall, thus allowing you to avoid traffic and using unnecessary gas once again.

-If you are not ready to make the jump of living on your own right as soon you graduate high school, then student housing is a great way to transition slowly into the real world. While you are mostly on your own, there is not as much responsibility that is thrust upon your shoulder in student housing.. Most student housing options come with a meal plan, cleaning services, and laundry services, making it easier for you to transition into your new found freedom.

-Student housing is a melting pot of culture. What better way to get to learn about other people’s beliefs and traditions than to live in and environment in which everyone one around you has freedom to express themselves.

If you are truly looking for the full college experience, than maybe the student housing option is the right choice for you. There is no better way to see what you are made of as a human being, then embarking out on your own and taking the time to learn what it is that you find important. Student housing opens the doors to many clubs and cultural events and can open your life up to new people and new views.

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